Discourse and Debate

Whatever happened to our ability to discuss ideas? Is it possible anymore to actually engage in productive discourse, the exchange of ideas? And why is it that whenever someone disagrees, they are considered to be haters? 

Ideas. Ideas are brainstorms swirling around in the minds of people who dream about what can be in hopes of bettering something that is. There was a point in time when somebody had an idea of a different way of life that would grow into what would become known as the United States of America. Our country actually sprang from many ideas; ideas such as freedom of religion, starting a “better society,” being free from British rule, and other aspiring ideals. For many, it was easier to attack and gossip about those people than to entertain and discuss their ideas. But many of those dreams were entertained, took root and became reality.

Today we live in a politically correct society that struggles with ideas. Why? Because we are so focused on the flaws of people with ideas that we can’t get past them to examine the idea or dream. The fathers of our nation, like the patriarchs and saints in the Bible were laced with shortcomings, sin, and what we would call hypocrisy. In many cases the ideas of freedom flowing from our nation’s founders were stained with their own practices of slavery, bad tempers, indecency, lying, unforgiveness, and on we could go. 

Yet ironically the founding fathers, even though many were not professing Christians, still laid the bricks of Biblical truth as the foundation of our country. I’ve come to realize that listening and learning are challenges for all of us. The lessons of history, the realities of life, and the wisdom of sages have fallen to the personal opinion of individuals, regardless of facts. 

Today we zero in on personalities and if they appear to us to be charismatic, winsome, and engaging, their words often become truth for us. No matter that what they say is filled with more bologna than Oscar Meyer warehouses. So what that their thoughts defy logic and truth. What does that matter?! We form our opinion and listening to their ideas becomes anathema. This practice has become divisive in society and in the church.  Often those who disagree with another’s opinion view the dissenter as intolerant and hateful.  (This baffles me on many fronts, but I’m puzzled how a culture which claims truth is relative can label any opinion as wrong. But that’s another subject.)

After all, truth was discarded by our society years ago. People’s opinion is what rules. And, in my opinion, that is why so many are accused of being “haters.” It’s because we no longer wrestle with ideas or even take the time to stare into the face of truth (which many deny exist). Thus, our opinions become truth. So if someone disagrees with us, it’s personal. They must be haters. What foolishness.

I long for civility to arise on the scene of our nation. God’s word gives us wise and holy counsel.

  • Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, (Colossians 4:6)

  • Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)

  • Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry(James 1:19)

  • Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification(Romans 14:19)

  • Words from a wise man’s mouth are gracious, but a fool is consumed by his own lips. (Ecclesiastes 10:12)

  • Therefore encourage one another and build each other up(I Thessalonians 5:11)

Let’s face it…our ideas and philosophies won’t always align…but we could learn from one another and grow if we are willing to listening and think. 

Diogenes, a controversial ancient philosopher said: “Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you've got an audience.” Let’s not allow that to be the rule of our lives.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

Tom Kinnan

Tom and Kathy Kinnan have been married 46.5 years and have two married children and 7 grandloves.  Prior to retiring, Kathy taught humanities at Whitefield Academy, a Christian classical education school, and puts up with a weird and wacky husband.

Tom comes to us with a depth of knowledge and experience.  With 43 years of pastoring, and 47 years of ministry, Tom brings a depth of knowledge as well as a tenderness and compassion to his presentations.  Known for his insight, humor and challenging teaching, you will find his presentations to be anointed of God. Tom has traveled internationally as a speaker at colleges, churches, conventions, retreats and camps.  He has extensive experience in servicing mission fields and missionaries.  

Tom’s heart is to see people in the church become equipped to live their lives devoted to Christ in the community where God plants them to be a light.  He does not want to maintain a church but wants it to be a living and growing body of believers.

Tom is the Founder and President of Good Shepherd Ministries and serves with New Church Specialties as an interim pastor.


Everything for a reason


Abundant Grace